💰 Budgets & Rules

  • Updated

What is a Budget?

A 'Budget' corresponds with an entire set of funds for a quarter/year/etc. You can create and name a Budget according the timeframe you anticipate utilizing the funds.

💲 Note about Fees: Fees are automatically calculated when making corporate donations but are NOT automatically calculated for company matched employee donations. This is due to the exact processing fee that varies based on nonprofit location. Deed recommends budgeting ~5% of your total budget to cover all fees. Please contact your Partner Success Manager for more information!

What is a Budget Rule?

In order to create a Rule, you must first create an overall Budget

Creating a ‘Rule’ enables admins to access funds for different aspects of your Social Impact program: matching, donation credits or corporate donations.

👉 Example: Create a Budget for Social Impact Q4 2021, and create a Rule (in this case, a matching rule) for “2x Match for Holiday Giving.”

Another Rule example might be: Donation Credit rule for “$25 Credit for New Hires."


Create a Budget

Navigate to the Donations tab on your Deed Admin Portal. The Budgets & Rules page will allow you to set up your overall budget for the year, as well as corresponding rules. Please connect with your Partner Success Manager to review your budget and rules.

☝️ Pro-tip: Do not delete a budget once it has been created. If you would like to deactivated a budget, simply select an "end date" that corresponds to when you would like for that budget to not be considered in distributing matches or credits on Deed.

You can create a budget rule that applies only to specific nonprofits, fundraisers, or locations.

💲 Note on Budget Currency: If you do not select “Limit Donations to budget currency,” donations made different currencies will be converted to the currency when they are deducted from the “Total Limit.”


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