đź’» Settings

  • Updated


Company Profile

Upload your logo, social accounts, brand color, location, and mission statement. You’ll also include a contact email, phone number. This can be a generic inbox or the program’s day to day liaison.


App Settings

Homepage Banner - This is what your colleagues will see when they first access your environment. :camera: Suggested resolution is minimum 1920 x 480 px with an aspect ratio 4:1

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 11.32.18 PM.png

Notification Banner - Here you can upload the Notification Banner displayed at the top of the homepage. You can also turn on a custom notification where you can link pages such as policy documents, FAQs, etc. This is also a great place to highlight current campaigns or initiatives that you want employees to see.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 11.36.07 PM.png

đź’ˇ In addition to linking to other pages, you directly upload a PDF of whatever you want to highlight. The background colors of the notification banner can also be customized.

Navigation Links - This is where you can upload your Company Policies or FAQs as either a hyperlink or PDF. The button on the employee side will read "Knowledge Hub and FAQs"

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 11.32.26 PM.png

Disclaimers - Are presented to the employee when they first login and can serve as notices that employees need to acknowledge before signing onto Deed for the first time. A few exciting notes about this NEW FEATURE:

  • Disclaimer content can contain be rich text, including hyperlinks!
  • The button displayed on the disclaimer (which says "I agree" by default) can now be customized!
  • You can set how long (in minutes) before the disclaimer expires and needs to be agreed again. Simply set it to zero for no expiration -- meaning your colleagues will only need to agree to the disclaimer once.
  • It’s now possible to set a start and end date which a disclaimer is valid. It allows admin to add disclaimers that are still not active.
  • We also introduced location restriction on the disclaimer based on the user’s location. Different user’s can be prompt with different disclaimers depending on their location.
  • You can have more than one disclaimer at a time. However, the user still prompted only one disclaimer (the first one that matches the criteria).
  • In addition to text, you can also choose to upload an image instead!

Text Example

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 11.28.57 PM.png

Image Example

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 3.16.48 PM.png

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