General FAQs
How does Deed's calendar integration work?
When you add it to your calendar, there is a Join Zoom link. When you click on that within 6 hours of the event, it will redirect directly to Zoom.
Tell me more about Deed's Slack app?
Where can I find information about nonprofit vetting?
How does nonprofit screening and selection work on Deed?
In addition to best-in-class vetting, Deed offers flexible and customizable screening options, allowing each partner to design an employee donation and matching experience that best aligns with its core values. There is quite a wide range of approaches towards screening, but in general, they lie somewhere on the spectrum between a closed, company-driven program and an open, employee-driven program.
Some characteristics of closed / company-driven programs:
- Closed ecosystem of company-selected nonprofits on the platform
- Employees can only donate to a handful of organizations selected by the company, or to those within specific cause areas that represent core pillars of a company’s mission (most restrictive)
- Matching is only available for donations to a handful of organizations or those within a specific cause area (moderately restrictive)
- Categories such as religious organizations, political organizations, and schools are often totally excluded from the platform (moderately restrictive)
Some characteristics of open / employee-driven programs:
- Open ecosystem of nonprofits on the platform
- Employees can donate to most 501(c)(3) organizations in the US and equivalent (vetted) global nonprofits (moderately permissive)
- Matching is available for all donations to all eligible organizations (most permissive)
- Employees can nominate new nonprofits and create fundraisers and/or volunteer opportunities (subject to admin approval)
In addition, regardless of whether their programs are open or closed, many of our partners utilize common industry standards, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hate list and a similar anti-hate list in Canada, for screening purposes.
Deed also implements additional screening criteria for the nonprofits we highlight to our partners in toolkits, disaster relief recommendations, and partner nonprofit suggestions. The criteria is informed by both corporate and nonprofit best practices, which encompass some of these key considerations:
- Legal compliance
- Strategies (theory of change, evaluation of how the nonprofit will reach their goals)
- Financial capabilities (does 65-75% of the organization’s budget go to programming?)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (does the organization’s leadership and/or staff reflect and/or consult those of the communities they purport to serve?)
- Reputational risk and history
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