What are Deed Communities?

  • Updated

About Communities

Communities is a feature that allows users to share, communicate, and socialize around causes and interests they care about. Workplace organizations such as Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), are able to identify nonprofits, curate deeds, share messages with one another, and track their impact as a community.



What are the different permissions in Communities?

Certain roles with access to the Organizer portal will have access to the Communities tab.


Company Admins, Company Organizers

  • Have permission to view, edit, create Communities

  • Can toggle Communities between active and inactive state (Inactive Communities are not visible on the employee-facing site)


Ambassadors, Nonprofit Organizers

  • Do not have the Communities tab in the Organizer


Community Leads

Community Leads are individuals at your company that handle operations and management of Communities.

  • Community Leads do not need Organizer portal access to manage and engage their community (especially if admins take care of the initial ERG set up). Depending on the roles and responsibilities of these users, we may recommend they be granted Company Organizer access.
  • They are distinguished by a “Community Lead” label on the Member modal.
  • On the community social wall, they are distinguished by a “Community Lead” label on their posts.
  • In the employee-facing site (on communities they lead) Community Leads can Add/remove members to the community

Please watch this video to learn more about the Community Lead role, including permissions and best practices for Community Leads and administrators in facilitating Community operations.




Communities are Company Only visibility, and are not visible to other employees from other companies, individuals, or unauthenticated users.

  • All company employees can see all Communities for that company

Non-members of Community

  • Non-members can add or remove a cheer reaction on posts or comments
  • Non-members cannot create posts or comments

Members of Community

  • Members can add or remove a cheer reaction on comments
  • Members can create posts or comments
    • Members can delete their own posts or comments
    • Members cannot edit their own posts or comments
  • Member communities will display on the employee’s profile page


How do I create a community?

1. While in the Organizer Portal, in the left menu, select Communities, and then at the top right click the “Create Community” button.

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2. Complete basic details including Community Name, Description, and Background Image. Suggested image size is 1920 x 557 px.

Tip: If you have community leaders, you can search and select any employee to be a Community Lead.

3. Search and select relevant Partner Organizations

4. Select "Save" button to create your community.


How do I add members to the community in the Organizer Portal?

To add members to a Community, navigate to the Communities tab > Communities detail page

1. On Members table, select “Add Members”.

2. To add members via upload - Select Upload to upload a file in .csv, .xls, .xlsx file format including employee emails. Only employee emails are eligible to be added to communities.

  • Options to add members via upload, or add members by searching and selecting employees:
  • To add members via search and select - Search and select employees by name. Only employee are eligible to be added to communities.

3. Select “Review” to review list of employees before adding them to the community

4. Select “Add” to complete adding employees to members. They will receive and email notifying they were added to the community.

Note: Employees can always add themselves by selecting “Join” on the Community page.


How do I remove members from the community in the Organizer Portal?

1. To remove members from a Community, navigate to the Communities tab > Communities detail page

2. On Members table, select members to remove and select “Remove”.

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3. Review list of employees before removing them from the community.

4. Select “Remove” to complete removing members from the community. They will not receive an email if they are removed.

Note: employees can always remove themselves by selecting “Leave” on the Community page. If employees leave themselves, they’ll get an email confirming they left.


How do I add deeds to a community?

After creating a community, go to the the “Manage Deeds” tab on the left menu. Find the appropriate deed and select the community tag on the edit/ create deed page.


However, tagging a deed is not sufficient for impact (volunteer hours and dollars donated) to count towards the Community Impact metrics.

In the same section, by identifying the community under Organized by, all associated impact (volunteer hours, dollars donated) will be attributed to that community's impact totals.



What are the Community Impact Metrics?

Deed's approach to Communities prioritizes intersectionality, ensuring for members of multiple ERG groups that their impact is attributed fairly; and takes into account network effects of nonprofit partnerships.

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Company Impact Metrics Explained



Tagging vs "Organized By"

Tagging a deed (Volunteer Event, Event, Fundraiser, Project) to a community will add the deed to the Take Action feed on the community.

Pro Tip: For a deed to count towards Community Impact Metrics, it must be Organized by the community.

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Only one Community can Organize a deed, but any number of communities can tag a deed.

This better enables cross-promotion and inclusion, while maintaining ownership of impact metrics.

For example, if a Pride ERG organizes a Pride month fundraiser, other ERG groups can tag the deed to their ERG for cross-promotion, but Pride ERG will have all the raised funds count towards their impact metrics.


Total of dollars donated

A community’s total of dollars donated includes the following totals:

  • Dollars donated to fundraisers organized by this community
  • Dollars donated by employees to this community’s Partner Organizations


Total of hours volunteered

A community’s total of hours volunteered includes the following totals:

  • Hours logged (and approved) to Volunteer Events and Projects organized by this community
  • Hours logged (and approved) by employees to this community’s Partner Organizations

Note, if a Partner Organization is shared by multiple communities then that impact is counted for both communities.


How do I edit my community?

1. To edit a Community, navigate to the Communities tab.

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2. Click on the title of the community.

3. From the community table page, click the “Edit” button at the top right.

Pro Tip: Toggle between Active/Inactive status per community as needed.



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