❓ FAQs

  • Updated
  • Can I delete a deed?

    Yes! To delete a deed, simply located the created deed on the “Manage Deeds” page, select the arrow on the far-right of the deed and on the top right, select “Remove Deed”. If you need further assistance, contact your Partner Success Manager.

  • Can I add a past deed that has already occurred?

    Yes. To add a Past Deed, go to your Admin Portal > Manage Deeds > Under Add Deeds, Select “Past Deed” > Input all relevant information

  • How can I allow employees to create their own deeds?

    To allow employees to create their own deeds, simply ask your Partner Success Manager to enable that feature.

  • How do I approve an organizer or employee created deed?

    Go to your admin account  -> Go to the “Manage Deeds” tab -> Click the dropdown button 'Add Deeds' -> Select Approve Employee Deeds -> You'll see the Deeds that need approval -> Select Review / Publish -> Follow the flow to make sure all required parts are filled out -> Change the event from 'Pending' to 'Published' and hit submit

  • Can I limit employees to only create fundraisers or volunteer events?

    Currently, the options available for 'Create a Deed' are:

    1. Allow employees to create deeds (Volunteer Events and Fundraisers) and publish directly to platform.
    2. Allow employees to create deeds (Events and Fundraisers) and submit them for review by an Admin.
    3. Do not allow employees to 'create a deed'.

    There is no currently no way to allow employees to only create on type of deed, but this feature is coming!

  • What does it mean when I feature a Deed?

    'Featuring' a deed will bring the deed to employees' homepage so that employees see it upon login. This is a great tool for Fundraisers or Events you want to highlight!

  • What’s the difference between a Volunteer Event, Volunteer Project, and Event?

    The biggest difference between Volunteer Events & Projects is the length of time. Volunteer Events are one-day, one-time volunteer opportunities, while projects are ongoing. Projects can also have milestones for volunteers. Project volunteers might also need approval to participate (you can turn this feature off) while event attendees simply sign up and show up. Both opportunities can be in-person or virtual. Learn more on our Employee Knowledge Hub.

    Non-Volunteer events do not directly impact nonprofits and therefore do not count toward your company’s total impact highlighted on the dashboard.

  • What if I want to create a volunteer project or volunteer event, but I don't have a nonprofit to link it to? (Ex: Tree planting activity that is not connected to a nonprofit).

    For volunteering events and projects that are not connected to a nonprofit, you have the option to select 'Add New Partner'  when creating a deed and you can add organization details. You can also type in 'Actions with Deed' in the Nonprofit Search bar (Country Origin of the Nonprofit: United States), which is a Deed-created organization to help you capture volunteer hours for unconventional volunteering.

Quick tip: When you add a nonprofit this way, the nonprofit is only available for volunteering and not for donations. The organization will show up as 'See Deed Schedule' when a user clicks on it. For instructions on how to onboard an organization for volunteering and giving, go to Getting Started: How do I nominate my nonprofit as an admin.

  • What’s the difference between Campaigns & Fundraisers?

    A campaign is a page where you can highlight featured causes, non-profit organizations, or charities to employees. To learn more about campaigns, go here.

    A fundraiser is your team’s best tool to collect donations for a specific initiative, event, or program that your company is fundraising for. Fundraisers must be associated with a nonprofit organization on Deed and they are designed to only benefit one nonprofit. To learn more about fundraisers, go here.

  • Can employees create non-volunteer Events?

    At this time, only admins and/or organizers can create non-volunteer Events

  • Can I hide the “All Deeds” toggle on the Volunteer Page?

    No, but you can choose for ‘company’ deeds to be the auto default (rather than All deeds). Ask your Partner Success Manager for more details!

  • How can I source additional volunteer opportunities for my employees?

    As an Admin, you have the ability to source volunteer opportunities for your employees through Deed. You can learn more here.

  • Why don’t I see the option to create Events (non-volunteer events) on the admin portal?

    In order to create events, as an admin you need to check the box allowing the features in the settings page. Here’s how: Sign in to your admin portal > Click on “Settings” on the left toolbar > Click the “events” box.

    You can make the Events feature available in only select markets by including or excluding specific locations.

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