❓ FAQs

  • Updated
  • What’s the difference between Volunteer Events & Projects?

    The biggest difference between Volunteer Events & Projects is the length of time. Volunteer Events are one-day, one-time volunteer opportunities, while projects are ongoing. Projects can also have milestones for volunteers. Project volunteers might also need approval to participate (you can turn this feature off) while event attendees simply sign up and show up. Both opportunities can be in-person or virtual. Learn more on our Employee Knowledge Hub.

  • Accept applications for skilled volunteers

    When a volunteer applies for a role in your project, you can review their application in Deed. Select ‘approve’ to bring them on the project, or ‘reject’ to deny their application.

    To Approve Volunteers: Go to Manage Deeds > Click Project > Select Applicable Deed > Scroll Down to “Needed Roles” > Approve or Reject employees who have applied

If you need skilled volunteers and would like our support scoping and defining your project, reach out to us at nonprofits@joindeed.com.


  • What does “estimated value” mean?

    The “estimated value” offers an estimated dollar value of the skills offered by the volunteer to the nonprofit. For example, below the nonprofit has estimated that an hour of “Coaching” is worth $100 in USD.


  • Approval configuration

    Admins can create project roles that do not require approval.

    • When you create a role within a project, you can indicate that the role does not require approval. If turned on, Admins will not be required to approve applications for that role!
    • Employees signing up for a project role that does not require approval will be automatically approved to that role.


  • Automated employee email notifications
    • A Sign Up confirmation email (or Slack message, if applicable) will be sent when a user signs up for a project role
    • A Sign Up cancellation will be sent (Email, Slack if applicable) when a user cancels sign up for a project role that does not require approval
  • Logging Volunteer Hours

    Employees will receive a reminder email to log their hours following participation in a project:

    • 1 week after the start date for a user that is attending but has not logged hours
    • After the project ends

    💡 Learn more about Logging hours as an employee here.


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