🔗 Employee Nonprofit Affiliations

  • Updated

Employee Nonprofit Affiliations allow employees to make note of their involvement with their favorite nonprofits. As an Organizer, you can see which organizations your employees are supporting most. This can help when deciding which nonprofits to feature to a wider company audience or where to send remaining funds at the end of the year.

With Deed’s nonprofit affiliation tool, you can keep track of your favorite nonprofits and the way you support them. Sharing your involvement with your favorite nonprofits has never been easier! You can add your affiliations directly on the nonprofit’s profile or after making a donation on the confirmation page. When adding affiliations, you can select the start and end date (or select ongoing) and can edit your affiliation(s) by visiting your profile or the nonprofit’s profile and selecting “View affiliations”.

☝ You can have multiple affiliations per nonprofit!


Examples of affiliations may include:

  • Board Member (President, Director, VP, Secretary, Member)
  • Volunteer
  • Donor
  • Personal Connection
  • Family Member Affiliation

Adding affiliation through nonprofit profile

Adding affiliation on donation confirmation page


Viewing affiliations on your Profile


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