🌴 What are deeds?

  • Updated

Deeds are your best tool for empowering employees to give back to the communities that they care about. There are four main types of deeds available on the platform: Fundraisers, Volunteer Events, Volunteer Projects, and Events.


  • Collects donations for a nonprofit for a particular program or initiative

Volunteer Event

  • In-person or virtual volunteer event with an organization.
  • Must happen at a specific location (virtual or in-person) and time.
  • Employees can log volunteer hours in affiliation with a Volunteer Event

Volunteer Project

  • In-person or virtual skills-based volunteer opportunity with an organization.
  • Lightweight application process to participate (optional).
  • Can happen on an ongoing basis over the course of several days, months, or weeks.
  • Employees can log volunteer hours in affiliation with a Volunteer Event


  • In-person or virtual event not affiliated with an organization.
  • Employees cannot log hours in affiliation with an Event.

Employees can browse Deeds by location and cause area – and then donate or sign up to participate!

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