Certain roles with access to the Organizer portal will have access to the Communities tab.
Company Admins, Company Organizers
Have permission to view, edit, create Communities
Can toggle Communities between active and inactive state (Inactive Communities are not visible on the employee-facing site)
Ambassadors, Nonprofit Organizers
Do not have the Communities tab in the Organizer
Community Leads
Community Leads are individuals at your company that handle operations and management of Communities.
- Community Leads do not need Organizer portal access to manage and engage their community (especially if admins take care of the initial ERG set up). Depending on the roles and responsibilities of these users, we may recommend they be granted Company Organizer access.
- They are distinguished by a “Community Lead” label on the Member modal.
- On the community social wall, they are distinguished by a “Community Lead” label on their posts.
- In the employee-facing site (on communities they lead) Community Leads can:
Add/remove members to the community
To Add:
- To Remove:
- Delete comments by any user
- Create deeds (volunteer events, fundraisers) “organized by” the community
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